Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish is comprised of the Roman Catholic faithful from the Mid-Monongahela Valley, located in Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA. The geographical area of the Parish includes the towns of Monongahela, Donora, Charleroi, and neighboring communities. Since January 2020, the Parishioners of the valley have been worshipping together as a new parish and living a Christian Life of Faith, Hope, and Love.
Grounded by the example of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, St. Andrew the Apostle Parish is striving to nurture and build our community, so that every parishioner can know, love, and serve God, encouraging others to do the same.
Come and join us as we pray, petition, sing, and gather around the Eucharistic Table of our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ!
O Glorious Saint Andrew, you were the first to recognize and follow the Lamb of God. With your friend Saint John, you remained with Jesus for that day, for your entire life, and now throughout eternity. As you led your brother Saint Peter to Christ and many others after Him, draw us also to Him. Teach us to lead others to Christ solely out of love for Him and dedication in His service. Help us to learn the lesson of the cross and to carry our daily crosses without complaint so that they may carry us to Jesus.
Announcing a Regular Weekly Mass in Haitian Creole at 12:30 pm at our Charleroi location.
The assembly of the faithful, ordered by their priests and deacons, on the Day of the Lord for the liturgical celebration of his death and resurrection is the heartbeat of the Christian life. As the heartbeat of the Christian life, it is essential to who we are. It is the way for us to receive the Lord and offer ourselves to him most fully. For several years, many of our Catholics who do not speak English have struggled greatly to participate in our weekly liturgies. By the grace of God, we have recently been blessed with Fr. Pierre Marie France, who can speak Haitian Creole, French, English, and some Spanish as well. Due to the estimated 1,500 Catholics who speak Haitian Creole and live in the parish, establishing a regular 12:30 pm Mass to be said in Haitian Creole on Sunday in Charleroi is a critical step in making sure that all Catholics can participate in the Sunday liturgies as much as they can. If you do not speak Haitian Creole, I would invite you to attend Mass at 12:30 on one of these Sundays to experience the beautiful faith of our people!
Bereavement Group
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 12th, at 6:30 p.m. in Marian Hall.
Catholic Women’s College Club Scholarship
The 2025 annual scholarship ($500.00) of the Catholic Women’s College Club will be awarded to a deserving Catholic senior girl who is a current resident of Belle Vernon, Bentleyville, California, Charleroi, Donora, Finleyville, Fredericktown, Monessen, Monongahela, or Rostraver Twp. and has a GPA of 3.50 or higher. Applications for the award are available at the parish office or guidance offices at Belle Vernon, Bentworth, Beth Center, California, Charleroi, Monessen, Ringgold, Geibel, Serra, Seton LaSalle, or Greensburg Central Catholic High Schools. The deadline for the application is March 14, 2025
Diaper Bank Ministry
And if that isn’t enough, the parish is also starting a diaper bank in January. A need has been identified in Washington County, specifically in the Valley, to help support young families and mothers needing diapers. Through a new partnership with Catholic Charities of Pittsburgh, we will now offer a diaper bank, which will be aligned with our monthly food bank distribution. An issue for many organizations was where to store diapers. Under the parking lot in Charleroi (in between the rectory and the formation center), where a convent once sat, Fr. Jerry kept the garage and full basement for future use. In 2022, the basement space was waterproofed and refurbished. So that dry, clean, finished space will now be home to the diaper bank. The parish is very excited about all these things happening at our Charleroi campus and will continue to seek ways to leverage all our spaces in our tri-community parish.
Dignity Robe Group
Meets every 3rd Friday of the month at St. Andrew the Apostle sewing room in Donora from 9:00 a.m. till noon. We are in need of more people to join us for this wonderful project to sew, cut, iron, etc.... Come join us!
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Our new ministry is underway. These blankets are being made with love, prayed over, blessed, and then will be taken to comfort those who need them. If you would like to participate in this ministry by crocheting or knitting prayer blankets, please call 724-258-7794 or email [email protected].
Rosary Makers
Happy New Year! The Rosary Makers received an anonymous donation of $50 and we were able to order more supplies. Our meetings will resume in March. Members may drop off and pick up supplies in Marian Hall or by calling Eileen. Memorial donations are accepted. Anyone wishing to join, please contact Jean at the Charleroi office at 724-483-5533.
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