In addition to the roles of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, some roles in the Liturgy are exercised by lay people who place their time and talent at the service of the liturgical assembly as acolytes (altar servers), lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, cantors, choir members, instrumentalists, leaders of song, and ushers. Others contribute their time and talent to planning and organizing the Liturgy; to keeping the church and the vestments, vessels, and appointments clean and well ordered; or to providing decorations that refl ect the spirit of the liturgical feast or season.
- Liturgical Participation, USCCB
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal tells us:
When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are to be listened to reverently by everyone, for they are an element of the greatest importance in the Liturgy. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], no. 29)
The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a service to the Church. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. The ministry of the Word should, therefore, be treated seriously and with great dignity. (GIRM 55)
Those who Proclaim the Word of God at Mass share in the Mission of Proclamation of the Gospel. This role is not just reading words from a page; it is God using their voices to share the Gospel Message with those open to God's Word.
Here at St. Andrew, we encourage anyone who feels called to Proclaim the Gospel Message to come forth and become a Lector. Please call one of the Parish Offices for any information.