Thank you for sharing your time and talents with the ministry at Saint Andrew the Apostle Parish.
Before volunteering, you will need to complete Protecting God’s Children Training and
obtain a child abuse history clearance and FBI fingerprint check or sign a waiver
indicating that an FBI check is not required.
For instructions on obtaining clearances for volunteering please go to
Please reach out to Helena Glaneman at 724-258-7742 x109 or
[email protected]
Don’t let a minor offense that is not related to abuse or parish duties stop you from
obtaining clearances. If there is a minor offense on your record it will be examined to
decide if you are approved, denied, or restricted.
The Safe Environment Policy was created to ensure that everyone involved with ministry
in any capacity at our parish are capable of identifying and preventing abuse of children
and adults and have no history of behavior that indicates a threat of abuse to children or
The Safe Environment Policy applies to all 18 years of age and older who act in the
name of the parish of Saint Andrew the Apostle, under the auspices of the Diocese of
Pittsburgh or one of its parishes- whether clergy, members of consecrated life, staff, or
Sometimes volunteers will say, “I am only a lector.” Or “there are never any children in the
kitchen.” “Why do I need to do this?”
When you are volunteering for a ministry in the parish you are volunteering in the name
of our parish. Children and vulnerable adults can be anywhere at any time. They see
you and look at you as an extension of the clergy and staff. You could have a hand in
saving someone from abuse.
Clearances are required for everyone, even if the ministry/volunteer activity does not
directly involve children. Ministries directly involving children, such as bible school or
CCD have additional training added to their requirements.
For the safety of our children, adults will not be allowed to volunteer in any parish
ministry until ALL clearances are completed.
Thank you for completing the safe environment process. You are keeping our children
and vulnerable adults safe as well as yourself and the parish community.
For instructions on obtaining clearances for volunteering please go to